Saturday, October 30, 2010


Last week I finished the Introduction to Welded Sculpture class at The Crucible.

This welding class was very different from the blacksmithing classes I've taken.  In those classes, each class starts out with a demo of a project or part of a project, and then the students work on duplicating that piece.  In the welding class, the first class started off with the instructor showing us how to do basic welds using the arc welding tools, and how to do torch cutting.  After that, we were on our own to come up with projects to work on, and he was available to answer questions or help us out where needed.

Below are the things I worked on, mostly projects to try different techniques or see what was possible.

My main project.  Started out just as a stick man, and then I found the gear to add as a head, and cut the wings out using the torch.

The second project I tried.  Supposed to be a turtle.

 Playing around with heavier materials, kind of an airplane shape.

Working with thinner materials, which is quite hard because they melt through if you use too much heat, too much current, etc.  I welded a bunch of plates to form a hoop and then cut and welded a bottom.

Just some misc pieces stuck together.

Working with thin pieces again, making a kind of walknot symbol.

My most delicate weld.  Originally it was supposed to be the trifoil radiation symbol, but it was impossible to do without welding it to the plate below them.  Then I found I could bend them up, making this neat shape.